Saturday, January 01, 2000

Submission Guidelines

  1. You must have experienced 'mental illness' (e.g. depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, personality disorders, manic depression or bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia).
  2. We accept poems of any topic and style. Send in a batch of 4 to 6 poems. We will only consider one batch of poems per poet per year so please choose your best work.
  3. Your submission must not be previously published in print or online publications. Simultaneous submissions are okay but please let us know.
  4. You are responsible for the originality of the work you submit.
  5. Write a few words to be included as contributor's note.
  6. Please proof read your submissions and check for any typos and grammatical errors.
  7. We will publish your work as it is accepted.
  8. Write "Copyright © 2012 (Your Name)" after your poems.
  9. Send your submissions in the body of your e-mail, NOT as an attachment, to
  10. Put "Poetry Sz Submissions" in the subject line.
  11. Submissions are open year-round.