Monday, March 01, 2004

Steve Tills

     Helen Keller



That I might smell what
isn't given to me,

as others smell danger
or a rat

when none is there


Oh, I have my touch,
and I can feel wind,
tears, loneliness, gratitude

some things some others

have ideas about


What is a woman

with her sight and her sound
paying her attentions

I have my own intentions
to find out.


No, seriously, why should you
be different for one requiring

a human mirror with hands
and fingertips for eyes

and voice formed of fingerprints?

Steve Tills lives in small town in western New York. Taught English 10 years in Northern California (Santa Rosa Junior College). Publishes occasionally, last in First Intensity, #17. Developing/Editing/Publishing Black Spring Online; theenk Press; and presently. Wiped out badly by Stock Market Rip-offs in 2001 but still alive and kickin.

Lisa Gordon Steve Tills Christopher Barnes Reed Altemus

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