Saturday, November 26, 2011

Casey Creek

In Germany

a lion jumped out
of a swimming pool
and started hugging children
they locked the doors
and ran away

the crocodile snarled
because we stole
its puddle

the chimpanzee giggled
at the buffalo missing
its two front teeth
and the giraffe applauded
because the penguin was
throwing a tantrum

an elephant stole
my bicycle and
ploughed it into
a car the hole was
a banana shape i
had to pay the fine

i must have been back
in germany
where the buildings are
underground in a maze

where cakes are sparkling
on a table
where books in the library
call my name

caroline with the light brown hair
pushes it behind her ears
and ponders another maths equation


Casey Creek: I am eighteen years old, live in the North island of New Zealand. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my teenage years due to prolonged emotional abuse. Part way through this year I suffered a complete mental breakdown from which I am still recovering. My worst symptoms were intense panic attacks, frequent suicidal thoughts and terrifying nightmares. Poetry has been a huge part of my life from a young age, in helping me to survive and explore who I am in this world. Poetry helps me to see the bright side of life and I look forward to a much happier future.

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