Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Charles Frederickson


Rapturous sensual mysticism extends limits
    Of human existence beyond nature
       Utopia overshadowed by elliptical duality
          How and Why mindfully unified

One single original source interconnecting
    All things with one another
       Balmy skies mirror reflections of
          Who and What we are

Vast ocean engulfing life itself
    Generating waves through causal actions
       Moonlight reaches darkling bottomless depths
          No water trace left behind

By cultivating tranquil quiet reserve
    We bring flowers to perfection
       Emanating seductive fragrance radiant beauty
          Simultaneously nurturing our own earthiness

Morning glory dewdrops unveil hazy
    Majestic cosmic spirit universal truths
       Ultimately soiled imaginary garden paradise
          More satisfying than metaphysical abstracts

Enlightenment hovers behind invisible boundaries
    Interlocking rings of luminous infinity
       Gravity field blocked out lost
          Macroscopic vision refocusing newfound eyes

Eternity lies within manifest destiny
    Fleeting world seemingly beyond undoing
       Exposed tendril taproots craving transplant
          Freshly awakened senses inspiring enchantment

A fiercely independent unbridled maverick, No Holds Bard Dr. Charles Frederickson bucks mundane routine with ticklish fancy gusto, feisty vagabond moxie and feigned hyperbolic flair. Check out PoetryArtCombo.com and AvantGardeTimes.com.

Dimitris Lyacos Steve Dalachinsky Carrie Hunter Lauren Joslin Charles Frederickson

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